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Recycle @ School: It's the Law!

Did you know that recycling is the LAW in California?  Schools are required to recycle mixed paper (most types), cardboard, rigid plastic, glass bottles and jars, and metal containers to be in compliance.  Read more>>

2024-25 Recycling Challenge!

It's time for the 2024-25 SDUSD Recycling Challenge! The Challenge starts Octobr 1, 2024 and runs through March 1, 2025. Schools can earn special recognition and "bragging rights" for reducing waste, recycling, and increasing environmental awareness on their campus.  


Click below for more information on the Challenge and to see  how your school ranked last year! 

Connect with fellow educators who care about students engaging in nature and learning about the environment. Learn and share about the best practices for bringing environmental literacy into classrooms and field experiences.


From 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Thursday, FEB 20th.  Go here to register!  


Recycling Program

San Diego Unified School District

Operations Division

4860 Ruffner Street

San Diego, CA 92111


Janet Whited

Recycling Specialist



Phone:  619-606-8645

SDUSD's Love Food Not Waste Program

LFNW goals are to: 1) Feed Students, 2) Feed the Budget, 3) Feed Others, 4) Feed the Soil , and 5) Feed Plastic Free! Please see below for more information on our LFNW programs and how your school can be involved.

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This Flipside Science unit, designed for a middle school audience, explores environmental issues related to the food we grow and eat. This section has nine short videos and five associated lesson plans connected to the Next Generation Science Standards with an emphasis on engineering and design thinking.

ON-GOING - PepsiCo Recycle Rally


Recycle Rally is a free nationwide program that benefits K-12 schools and students by providing incentives and resources to help make recycling easy, fun, and rewarding.  For more information, click HERE.

Make sure to subscribe to the monthly SDUSD Zero Waste & Recycling Newsletter for more news, events, competitions and resources!

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SDUSD  2024-25
4860 Ruffner St., San Diego, CA 92111
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